Dry Floatation - R.E.S.T. - 60 minutes $50 | $40 members

When was the last time your mind stopped running non-stop? When was the last time you felt completely at ease, actually in the moment, without a care in the world?

*10% service charge is added to all spa wellness services


Dry Floatation Therapy can give that stillness back to you, even if you’ve never meditated a day in your life!

Imagine if you could float on a cloud, without any effort… and while you’re floating, you’re being supported by a warm membrane filled with water that helps you to relax like you never have before… and because you’re literally floating, gravity is almost absent, which allows stress and tension to lift from your body and mind.

When the body reaches a certain amount of relaxation, it is able to cause positive physical results like reduced muscle tension, decreased blood pressure, fewer stress hormones, and increased endorphins.

How is “Dry” Floatation different than Traditional Float Tanks?

A dry floatation session allows you to enjoy the mental relaxation benefits of a traditional float tank without getting wet. You will be lying on a warm, water-filled membrane that lowers into a bed, whereas traditional float therapy uses baths filled with water and tons of epsom salt to keep you afloat. In addition, dry flotation is different than traditional float therapy in that the focus is also on relaxation of the muscles & the joints as well as the mind. It imparts a feeling of weightlessness and deep relaxation, in a sanitary environment.

Float Therapy Provides An Escape From Technology 

  • Every day, we are exposed to countless screens fighting for our attention. Smartphones, TV, tablets, advertisements, and laptops seem to be everywhere with no signs of going anywhere anytime soon.

  • This leaves us with eyes and minds that are fatigued and in desperate need of a break from all media. Otherwise, we can easily find ourselves burned out and in bad health both physically and mentally.

  • Our brains need to be given breaks, and adequate amounts of time to recover from the chaos, and a floatation session can provide that.

Float Therapy Enhances Athleticism 

  • After extensive workouts, floatation therapy can help you recover much faster because the session has helped reduce the lactic acid that is in your blood.

  • Floating with no gravity causes the lactic acid to leave your muscles quickly. The results of this are that you will have less pain and muscle stiffness after long workouts so that you can continue with your day without the negative side effects of soreness.

  • In addition to helping after workouts, floatation therapy can also help athletes who are on the field. Players have reported that their playing is improved because of the amount of focus they can have at crucial moments of the game.

Float Therapy Helps You Relax 

  • A benefit that is unique from using sensory deprivation therapy is that it helps to keep our flight and fight responses at bay. The sympathetic nervous system which causes these types of responses is kept at bay by the parasympathetic nervous system that is activated by a floatation session. When this nervous system is in use, that’s when healing, relaxation, and replenishment can begin. 

  • When the body reaches a certain amount of relaxation, it is able to cause positive physical results like reduced muscle tension, decreased blood pressure, fewer stress hormones, and increased endorphins.

  • If you’ve tried everything else to make you relax with no success, it might be time to try something new.

Float Therapy Helps You Focus 

  • There are few places in the world where you are able to achieve the same kind of relaxation that you find from using floatation therapy.

  • This level of relaxation encourages visualization and lucid dreams that are much stronger than normal, even though you are very much awake.

  • Floatation therapy is able to be an extremely special tool for helping you perform at your very best, all the time. Whether you are an athlete that is getting ready for a monumental game, or you are a public speaker with important engagements coming up, this kind of therapy will help you hone in and focus on the things you need to focus on.

  • Don’t be a victim, to all of the distractions that this world can throw at us and try sensory deprivation therapy for yourself.

Float Therapy Reduces Pain 

  • The relaxation that is triggered by floating in a calm and secluded environment will fill a patient’s body with endorphins that help relieve and reduce pain. For a patient who knows about the many hardships of chronic pain, this can make a huge difference. 

  • On top of that, this type of relaxation can assist in suppressing appetites that are out of hand, anxiety attacks, severe depression and can shift a patient’s overall mood to be more positive.

  • If you are tired of constantly dealing with pain that you should never have had in the first place, try floatation therapy today.